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Integrate with OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect-based single sign-on (SSO) gives your users access to Federated Directory through an identity provider (IDP) of your choice.


If your identity provider of choice does not have a ready made integration with us, you have the option to use a custom OpenID Connect connection. Federated Directory uses the OpenID Connect ‘Authorization Code Flow’.

Enabling this, is as easy as selecting OpenID Connect from the authentication settings on a directory.

Connect your own IDP through a OpenID Connect connection

Input Description  
Configuration URL Required. A link to a JSON document with key information needed for an app to sign in. It includes URLs and the location of public signing keys. It’s typically found at the issuer’s URL, appended with /.well-known/openid-configuration.  
Client ID Required. The client ID obtained from your identity provider.  
Client Secret Required. The client secret obtained from your identity provider.  
Logout page URL Optional. Your users will be redirected to this URL after they log out.  

During the authentication process we map the users username (preferred_username) with the userName of this user within our directory. We only allow access to those users we already know. First we will look for the preferred_username in the id_token. Incase it is not present in the id_token, we will look for the preferred_username in the userinfo which we will retrieve at your IDP.

Make sure the users username is unique.

  In id_token or userinfo Federated Directory
Attribute preferred_username userName ️️


Follow these parameters to configure the OpenID Connect within your IDP:

Parameter Description
Login flows We support the Authorization Code Flow.
Redirect URI
Response Type code
Scope openid profile email
State Expected back in the response.
Nonce Expected back in the response.
Login_hint Optionally included in the request and can used by your IDP to simplify the authentication flow. Only when we already received a userName through another authentication method.

Your IDP must ensure a user is both authenticated and authorized before sending an authorization code.

OpenID Connect Request example

GET authorize?client_id=2631c0c9-7a52-4df0-a4e4-340689fa6864&scope=openid profile email&response_type=code&redirect_uri=